Analytics, tools and intellectual analysis of large different and differential data


  • Ravil A. Bagutdinov Professional educational organization private institution "Automobile and road college"
  • Narek A. Sargsan Professional educational organization private institution "Automobile and road college"
  • Maxim A. Krasnoplakhtych Professional educational organization private institution "Automobile and road college"



big data processing, heterogeneous data, multi-scale data, data mining, data analytics, expert systems, data processing systems


This paper presents analytical analysis and tools for processing big data, considers some aspects of mining various data with high intensity, formats and origin, ambiguity, excessive or insufficient completeness of values. The authors consider the relevant aspects of the relevant system and analytical analysis, and consider the potential for fusion of heterogeneous data. Tools and traditional data mining techniques are provided. The problems of data disruption, outlier detection, data anomaly detection, continuous audit, computational cluster strategies, their aspects and description are identified. It was revealed that the problems of big data include not only different scales of data, but also heterogeneity, lack of structural integration, data quality, confidentiality, security, etc. The results of this work can be useful in scientific research of researchers who are faced with the problems of processing large heterogeneous and multi-scale data in various fields of scientific knowledge and areas of practical application.  


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Author Biographies

Ravil A. Bagutdinov, Professional educational organization private institution "Automobile and road college"

Teacher of electrical engineering and electronics, computer science and information technology in professional activities, scientific advisor,
candidate for a Ph.D. degree in science, "Researcher, Teacher-researcher" in the direction 09.06.01 "Informatics and computer technology", specialty 05.13.01 "System analysis, management and information processing",
master in the direction 223200 "Technical physics". Professional educational organization Private institution "Automobile and road college".
Sochi, Russia

Narek A. Sargsan, Professional educational organization private institution "Automobile and road college"

2nd year student, specialty 08.02.05 "Construction and operation of highways and airfields". Professional educational organization Private institution "Automobile and road college".
Sochi, Russia

Maxim A. Krasnoplakhtych, Professional educational organization private institution "Automobile and road college"

2nd year student, specialty 23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles". Professional educational organization Private institution "Automobile and road college".
Sochi, Russia


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How to Cite

Bagutdinov, R. A., Sargsan, N. A., & Krasnoplakhtych, M. A. (2021). Analytics, tools and intellectual analysis of large different and differential data. Economics. Information Technologies, 47(4), 792-802.




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