Assessment of industry competitive positions (on the example of “KVIL Paints” Factory LLC)


  • Valery S. Skrug The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation



competitiveness, M. Porter's model, competitive environment, competitive positions, internal and external environment, strategic management, competitive advantages, delegation of authority


The article presents the results of evaluating the competitive position of the industry on the example of a company in the paint industry. The influence of external and internal factors on the company's competitive potential is analyzed. Analysis and evaluation of the driving forces in the industry were performed using the "5 competitive forces" model by Michael Porter. Given the systematization of the characteristics of company management in a competitive environment. The study identifies such problematic aspects of a regional holding in the modern competitive environment as the lack of effective strategic development focused on a narrow segment; the effective work of the sales department is not fully carried out; there is a low level of profitability of sales; a low market share. Among the positive aspects, there is an effective policy of diversification, a wide and deep range of products; the use of modern technologies in production; building an effective motivation system; the tendency to increase the profitability of production activities. Based on the assessment of the competitive position of the “KVIL Paints” Factory LLC, recommendations were developed to improve its competitiveness.


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Author Biography

Valery S. Skrug, The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation

Сandidate of Economic Sciences, Member of the Committee on budget and taxes, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation,
Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Skrug, V. S. (2021). Assessment of industry competitive positions (on the example of “KVIL Paints” Factory LLC). Economics. Information Technologies, 47(4), 759-770.

