Modeling scenarios of dynamics of indicators of development of IT-industry by means of elementary mathematical functions
econometrics, forecasting, trend, elementary mathematical functions, socio-economic development, time series, regional statistics, economic indicatorsAbstract
Forecasting is an important tool in the activities of scientists and researchers of the socio-economic sphere. Its use allows us to suggest future options and find timely, adequate and effective answers to them. Prediction of regional development indicators, in turn, allows you to formulate the necessary national policies for business entities that need government support, or the redistribution of resources from elements of the economic system, which in turn are in excess. The purpose of this article is the development and testing of appropriate tools that simulates forecast scenarios for the development of dynamics indicators, which are the socio-economic characteristics of the region. As a basis for forecasting, we used trend models expressed by elementary mathematical functions. In addition, an algorithm for modeling scenarios and a corridor of values of the predicted value is presented. Testing of the developed tool was done on the statistical indicators of the Russian Federation and Perm Territory, characterizing the development and level of influence of IT technologies in the study area.
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