Forms of human capital of the region and features of the choice of indicators of their evaluation in the conditions of digital transformation
human capital, region, form of human capital, evaluation indicator, digital economyAbstract
The main forms of human capital in the region, the main indicators of its assessment in the digital economy are considered. The digital economy affects the main characteristics of the region's human capital, changing the structure of the main elements that make up the basis of human capital, expanding the forms of human capital in the region. It is determined that the main forms of human capital in the conditions of digital transformation include physical, intellectual, organizational, social and network forms. The features of the analysis of the region's human capital in the aspect of their manifestation are revealed; the structure of indicators for evaluating the main forms of the region's human capital from the perspective of digitalization is proposed. Built a system of aggregated indicators of human capital based on the species diversification of human capital – form, subject to changes arising during the impact of digital transformation on society, and their major separate elements, levels and stages of reproduction that characterizes the species diversity from different angles of consideration.
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