Dynamic characteristics of the spatial development of the economy of the Central Black Earth macro-region
economy, region, points of growth, gross regional product, import, export, strategy of spatial development of the country, spatial effectAbstract
This article presents the key indicators of the development of the regions of the Central Black Earth Macroregion. Particular attention is paid to the heritage of retrospective aspects describing the interaction of the center and the periphery, contributing to the formation and reproduction of socio-economic differentiation between them, revealing the diagnostic features and spatial and economic specifics of the processes of functioning and development of macroregional territories. Sectoral specialization in the Belgorod region is highlighted, as well as an analysis of conditions, trends and prospects for sustainable development of the macroregion, taking into account the diversification of economic development of the regions. The study shows that the modern spatial policy for the development of agro-industrial regions, developing in the context of the need to overcome centripetal trends, should provide for the priority development of peripheral territories. Main trends and perspectives of spatial development in the study area: focus of economic growth in a limited number of centers, the growing social and economic role of cities; the stabilization of population in the major regions of the Russian Federation and consolidation of a permanent character in the general trend of decline in the population of peripheral areas; decrease of regional socio-economic disparities in the global centripetal trends; the transformation of the spatial organization of the economy in the form of transparency of economic processes. According to the analysis carried out in the article, the unification of regions into one macro-region has a positive effect on the main indicators of development.
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