Processing of technical and economic information in the system of geotechnical monitoring

This paper is an output of the science project executed with the support of a grant of the President of the Russian Federation No. MD-1800.2020.8.


  • Nikolay V. Dorofeev Vladimir State University
  • Ekaterina S. Pankina Vladimir State University
  • Anastasia V. Grecheneva Vladimir State University
  • Roman V. Romanov Vladimir State University



geotechnical system, monitoring systems, technical and economic analysis, optimization, bifurcation parameters


This article proposes a method for processing the parameters of a geotechnical system, designed to increase the efficiency of the functioning of geotechnical monitoring systems under conditions of the risk of violation of geodynamic stability and technical and economic limitations when organizing monitoring works. The proposed method allows you to select the technical parameters of the monitoring system and select monitoring points in the geotechnical system based on economic indicators. The selection criterion is the criterion of minimizing the cost of introducing a geotechnical monitoring system with respect to possible damage, which is expressed in monetary terms, in case of a violation of the stability of the geotechnical system or its analyzed area. The costs of implementing a geotechnical monitoring system are determined based on its cost, fixed costs
of its maintenance, as well as technical parameters. Among the technical parameters that determine the costs of implementing a geotechnical monitoring system, there are costs in the event of missing destructive geotechnical processes, false alarms of the system, costs of registering one parameter of a geotechnical system at one point using a specific method. To reduce the number of monitored parameters and measurement points, it is proposed to carry out measurements at key control points, and the choice of monitored parameters is based on the bifurcation approach. Practical verification of the developed method for processing the parameters of the geotechnical system was carried out when suffusion processes were detected in urban development in the city of Murom, Vladimir region, Russian Federation. The proposed method made it possible to significantly
reduce the costs of monitoring work while maintaining the accuracy of the monitoring system.


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Author Biographies

Nikolay V. Dorofeev, Vladimir State University

Doctor of Technical Sciences Docent, Head of the Department of Management and Control in Technical Systems Vladimir State University,

Vladimir, Russia

Ekaterina S. Pankina, Vladimir State University

Researcher, Department of Management and Control in Technical Systems Vladimir State University,

Vladimir, Russia

Anastasia V. Grecheneva, Vladimir State University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent of the Department of Management
and Control in Technical Systems Vladimir State University,

Vladimir, Russia

Roman V. Romanov, Vladimir State University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Docent of the Department of Management and Control in Technical Systems Vladimir State University,

Vladimir, Russia


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How to Cite

Dorofeev, N. V., Pankina, E. S., Grecheneva, A. V., & Romanov, R. V. (2020). Processing of technical and economic information in the system of geotechnical monitoring: This paper is an output of the science project executed with the support of a grant of the President of the Russian Federation No. MD-1800.2020.8. Economics. Information Technologies, 47(3), 638-647.




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