Model and algorithm for data analysis of spectral components of the dentition during prosthetics
modeling, data analysis, algorithm, regression model, enamel, dentureAbstract
In modern orthopedic and surgical dentistry, each dental prosthesis unit should look like a natural tooth, as it restores the aesthetic appearance of the entire oral cavity and improves the patient's appearance, as well as helps to normalize the general state of health by gaining the lost feelings of self–confidence and restoring the emotional balance. The initial step in dental prosthetics is to determine their color components. This step determines whether the final result corresponds to the original prosthetic tooth. In case of complete or partial discrepancy between the obtained sample and the original one, there is a need for more thorough determining of the enamel color of the created sample, as well as re–manufacturing, which entails an unreasonable consumption of ceramic materials, resulting in an increase in the cost of prosthetics. The color determination procedure is performed for each tooth, and the doctor having obtained the parameters of the color components of the teeth, transmits the measurement results and data on the content in the sample of ceramic mixtures necessary to obtain the basic color of the enamel, to the dentist–technician who makes a denture with a specified color. The process of obtaining the parameters in most cases is carried out manually, which is the cause of errors and incorrectly selected colors and leads to additional costs for the re-manufacturing of a sample. Due to these and other objective reasons, the task was to develop a model and algorithm for analyzing the data of spectral components of the dentition during prosthetics. We used a method for analyzing the data of spectral components of the dentition based on an additive color synthesis. Using this method, a model was developed in which the change in color components occurs in correlation with the regression model, so it is possible to compile interpolation equations, and based on them, analyze and consider a single system for all sublevels of color gradations. To check the operation of the developed information model, an algorithm and specialized software were created. The conducted clinical studies have shown full adequacy of the developed model.
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