Russian Federation viticulture and wine-making market overview with current global trends


  • Anastasiya V. Gagerova Sevastopol State University
  • Elena P. Garmashova Sevastopol State University



viticultur, viniculture, vineyard areas, per capita wine consumption, table wines, sparkling wines


Purpose: The basic development trends of Russian winemaking and viticulture market were reviewed. Main competitive positions that make up the future development potential of the industry were identified. The position of Russian wines on the world markets is estimated. The work is based on the use of methods of analysis, synthesis and data aggregation. This article discusses dynamics vineyards areas in the Russian Federation, as well as development trends in comparison with world indicators. Trends and modifications of in recent years in the domestic wine production were analyzed. Changes in the structure, in the volume of consumption, main trends in wine pricing are traced. Industry’s development perspectives are listed in accordance with the identified trends and patterns. Problem spheres, that require a comprehensive approach to their solution, are highlighted. The solution of the identified problems will increase the level of domestic wine products competitiveness on the domestic market and on the world market. The growth in the volume of domestic wines production from their own raw materials allows to control the quality of products. The increase in the area under vineyards allowed Russia to collect 0.81% of the world's harvest in 2018.


Author Biographies

Anastasiya V. Gagerova, Sevastopol State University

Master's Degree Student, Sevastopol State University,

Sevastopol, Russia

Elena P. Garmashova, Sevastopol State University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics, Institute of Finance, Economics and Management, Sevastopol State University,

Sevastopol, Russia


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Abstract views: 1042



How to Cite

Gagerova, A. V., & Garmashova, E. P. (2020). Russian Federation viticulture and wine-making market overview with current global trends. Economics. Information Technologies, 47(3), 501-511.

