scientific and technical groundwork, research and development, technological stage, technology readiness level, system for the management of scientific research and developmentAbstract
The preparation of promising technologies is based on scientific research; however, the traditional approach to their implementation is imperfect when changing technological stages. Modern organizational systems for managing the creation of technologies and equipment are considered; types of studies are grouped by the features of the functioning of these systems. The possibilities of developing promising products based on design and innovation principles are compared. The problems and specifics of the research stages in the existing organizational systems for managing the creation of technical samples are analyzed. Attention is paid to possible difficulties accompanying the creation and implementation of systems based on an assessment of the achieved level of technology readiness, in particular, in the Integrated System for the Management of Scientific Research and Development (ISM SRD). Groups of research and development are proposed - they are distinguished by importance and criticality for the country, political importance; in scale, in terms of coverage of the stages and stages of the product life cycle, in degree of complexity, in the nature of the work environment, in terms of funding sources. The preferred systems for creating high-tech products for groups are indicated.
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