Solving the Problem of Leukocyte Segmentation and Classification in Images Using Transfer Learning and an Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks
images processing, computer vision, blood microscopic images, machine learning, segmentation, leukocytes classificationAbstract
This article presents a study aimed at developing an innovative method for automated counting and classification of leukocytes in digital microscopic blood images. The proposed approach is designed to overcome key limitations of existing methods, ensuring high accuracy, versatility, and robustness to input data variability. The novelty of the method lies in leveraging the advantages of transfer learning and combining convolutional neural networks into an ensemble, which significantly enhances the accuracy of recognizing various leukocyte types. The developed algorithm implements a three-stage image processing procedure: leukocyte segmentation using an ensemble of models, post-processing of segmented images to improve their quality, and final classification. The computational experiment data demonstrate a significant effectiveness of the proposed approach and confirm its versatility. The results of this work can serve as a foundation for developing new automated diagnostic systems for clinical practice capable of increasing the speed and accuracy of blood analysis, which represents an important step towards improving the quality of medical care.
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