Scenarios for Regional Economic Development Based on the Use of Human Capital in the Region


  • Aigul D. Mukhametova Ufa University of Science and Technology



regional economic development, human capital of the region, scenarios of regional economic development, regional economic development trajectory, reproductive potential


In modern conditions, the formation of a trajectory of regional economic development, the priorities of which is the balanced and optimal use of the total potential, becomes strategically important. However, the problem of “underutilization” of formed human capital remains serious in all Russian regions, especially in conditions of external economic instability and restrictions. We see the key reasons for this situation as the discrepancy between demand and supply for human capital in the region. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to develop scenarios for regional economic development based on the use of human capital. The objects of study of this scientific work are the nature of regional economic development and the key features of the use of human capital in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As part of this study, scenarios for regional economic development were developed based on the use of human capital in Russian regions, depending on the nature of regional economic development and the type of region based on two criteria (GRP and human capital of the region). As a result of calculations, the subjects of the Russian Federation are grouped by the nature of regional economic development: regions with accelerated regional economic development; developing regions; underdeveloped regions; "backward" territories. For each group of regions, strategic guidelines and scenarios have been developed, which contain recommendations for managing the region’s human capital.


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Author Biography

Aigul D. Mukhametova, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Regional Development, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia


Список источников

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Abstract views: 88




How to Cite

Mukhametova, A. D. (2024). Scenarios for Regional Economic Development Based on the Use of Human Capital in the Region. Economics. Information Technologies, 51(2), 309-319.

