On the Importance of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Industrial Complex of Russia in a Turbulent Economic Environment


  • Vilora V. Avilova Kazan National Research Technological University




industrial complex, sustainable development strategy, problems and significance of the implementation of the ESG principles


Scientific discussions devoted to adjusting the development strategies of large industrial companies in Russia in the context of sanctions revolved around the expediency of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals put forward by the United Nations. The triggers for these studies were the narrowing of the boundaries of the international landscape, where companies need the image of a socially responsible and sustainable business that is attractive to investors and customers, combined with the possibility of reducing costs for environmental, management and social projects. It is necessary to analyze the importance of compliance with the ESG principles for the new partner countries of Russian companies. Since the study is related to the fundamental issues of goal setting for industrial development, analytical and expert methods are used to assess existing trends. The task is to develop recommendations regarding the fate of the sustainable development strategy in the manufacturing sector of the Russian Federation.


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Author Biography

Vilora V. Avilova, Kazan National Research Technological University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Business Statistics and Economics, Kazan National Research Technological University,
Kazan, Russia


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Abstract views: 33




How to Cite

Avilova, V. V. (2023). On the Importance of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Industrial Complex of Russia in a Turbulent Economic Environment. Economics. Information Technologies, 50(4), 806-812. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2023-50-4-806-812

