Information Processing in the Construction of High-Performance Hardware Systems Based on Parallelization of Transmitted Data Streams
transmission of information under interference conditions, additional coding with a replacement ternary code, limitations and capabilities of existing information technologies, information security of infotelecommunication systemsAbstract
The problem of building high-performance hardware systems and systems for processing incoming information is becoming particularly relevant due to the need to create promising rocket and space technology with a high level of artificial intelligence. The аrticle is devoted to the development of new unconventional methods for building high-performance hardware systems using parallelization of transmitted data streams and their processing processes. It is shown that they should be problem-oriented, allowing to take into account the specific features of different areas of their application, the increasing level of threats to the information security of the successful functioning of the VST in various conditions, including interference of various origin. It is becoming more and more difficult to come up with them, so the basis for their synthesis should be mathematical methods of a new higher level compared to those that are known and used at the present time. The report examines the main provisions of one of the most promising proposals related to the construction of high-performance hardware systems using parallelization of data streams and their processing processes, the basis of which is the developed constructive mathematical theories. The possibilities of mathematical methods replacing them are demonstrated. In relation to high-speed telecommunication systems (TCS) they are focused on parallelizing the streams of transmitted messages and their processing processes based on an unconventional representation of data by residual images. This technology also forms the basis for improving the efficiency of calculations and monitoring the reliability of the data obtained in the system of residual classes (SOC). A distinctive feature of the developed innovative technologies lies in the possibility of their implementation by program methods based on additional reprogramming of FPGAs, micro-controllers and microprocessors that form the basis for building new-generation VST products. The result of this is the possibility of a significant increase in the performance of existing hardware, systems for the presentation, transmission and processing of the received measurement information.
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