Formative Artificial Intelligence: New Opportunities for Information Support of Regional Management
formative artificial intelligence, generative adversarial network, ontology, regional managementAbstract
Intelligent information systems are increasingly used in the field of regional management. One of the modern basic concepts of their organization is the formative artificial intelligence. This article presents an analysis of this concept and its correlation with existing technologies of intelligent information systems, as well as an overview of the existing experience in using such formative artificial intelligence technologies as generative-adversarial neural networks and ontologies in various applied tasks to regional management. It is concluded that the necessary environment for the implementation of formative AI is an information system with agent properties. The conclusion is made about the wide possibilities of using formative intelligence in the field of information support for regional management, on the one hand, and the incomplete use of the full potential of modern intelligent information technologies, on the other.
The study was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the IIMM KSC RAS of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, registration number of the project: 122022800551-0.
Список источников
AGROVOC Homepage. URL: (дата обращения: 14 апреля 2023).
EuroVoc thesaurus. URL: (дата обращения: 14 апреля 2023).
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