Synthesis of Structural and Technical Solutions in the Design of a Microarc Oxidation Plant


  • Vladimir M. Yatsenko SIE LLC "ELSYS BelGU"
  • Vladimir V. Lomakin Belgorod National Research University



structural and technical solutions in the creation of equipment, microarc oxidation, functionality, functional blocks, microarc oxidation modes, parameters of microarc oxidation modes, coating properties


The article describes the process of synthesis of structural and technical solutions when creating a technological installation for scientific research in the field of microarc oxidation of valve metals. Criteria are defined and decisions are considered when choosing the type of technological current source for creating a research facility. The requirements for the presence of several realizable processing modes, the list of measured process parameters to ensure the subsequent synthesis of mathematical models that relate the properties of coatings with the measured parameters and processing modes are substantiated. The main stages of installation creation are considered: development of a functional diagram, formation of requirements for software and hardware, synthesis of the installation structure, decision-making process on the necessary functional support, solution decomposition with the formation of requirements for individual subsystems and blocks. The general and structural diagrams of the installation, as well as the structure of the created hardware for the technological current source, are given. Separate created electronic modules and their key features are described. The basic requirements for the required speed of the system for measuring process parameters and the system for ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment are determined.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir M. Yatsenko, SIE LLC "ELSYS BelGU"

Director of SIE LLC "ELSYS BelGU",
Belgorod, Russia

Vladimir V. Lomakin, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics and Information Technologies of the Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 91




How to Cite

Yatsenko, V. M., & Lomakin, V. V. (2023). Synthesis of Structural and Technical Solutions in the Design of a Microarc Oxidation Plant. Economics. Information Technologies, 50(2), 398-409.

