Features of Russia's Regional Development Based on the Formation of Local Resource Potential
economic sanctions, regional favoritism, local resources, import substitution, regional development, localizationAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of issues related to the peculiarities of Russia's regional development in the context of the formation of local resource potential. The authors propose to consider regional development as a process that includes all aspects of the economic, social and infrastructural system of the region. The article analyzes the relationship between economic sanctions and regional differences within Russia in terms of the formation of regional protectionism, the functioning of resource, industrial and import-substituting capital, as well as the role of local resources in the format of sustainable development of regions and in the formation of resources at the local level. Among other things, the current state of regional development in Russia is considered, the main challenges and problems faced by the regions at the present stage are highlighted. In particular, it was noted that one of the main problems is the uneven development between regions, which leads to an uneven distribution of resources and, as a consequence, uneven socio-economic development. To solve this problem, the authors propose to intensify the formation of local resource potentials on the ground, which will allow for more efficient use of the resources available in a particular region and create conditions for the prosperity of local business and society as a whole. In conclusion, the authors conclude that the formation of local resource potentials can become an effective tool for solving the main problems of regional development in Russia. Such an approach will allow taking into account the peculiarities of specific regions and creating conditions for sustainable socio-economic development of the whole country. The relevance of this study is due to the need to restructure the mechanisms of regional development in the context of recent changes on a mobilization basis: post-crisis processes, sanctions restrictions, localization of economic processes in Russia and the regions.
The study was prepared as part of the state task of NRU "BelSU" FZWG-2023-0014, the project topic is "Spatial-network interaction of Russian regions in the context of new challenges of technological development".
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