On the Detection of Extraneous Objects in Sea Surface Optical Images
sea area, foreign objects detection in optical images, subband analysisAbstract
The problem of determining features whose value spaces for fragments of seawater optical images and those covered with foreign objects differ is considered, which allows them to be used in constructing a decisive procedure for detecting these objects with appropriate processing of image pixels. In view of the non-stationarity of the environment parameters, it turns out to be expedient to train and detect using a single frame of the video shooting. As a sign of the presence of an extraneous object, it is proposed to use an estimate of the variation coefficient of the image square fragment. Based on the results of computational experiments with optical images of the seawater surface and objects models, it is shown that with a fixed first kind error probability, the second kind errors probability significantly depends on the ratios of the object size and the prevailing wave length. A method for estimating the length of the prevailing wave based on subband analysis is proposed.
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