Storage Architecture and Normalization of Normative Reference Data at the Stage of Creating a Single Digital Circuit at the Enterprise


  • Alfiya S. Golovkova Belgorod University of cooperation, Economics and law
  • Natalia V. Kolos Belgorod University of cooperation, Economics and law



regulatory reference data, centralized and decentralized storage of NSD, seamless integration


In the context of the transition to the digital economy, data is an asset if they are available in real time, relevant and interpreted by users unambiguously. The architecture of storing normative reference data (NSD) is presented from the position of forming a single digital contour, which ensures the consolidation of data from different sources and implies the comparison and synchronization of reference books in various information systems used in the enterprise. The purpose of the study is the need to use innovative mechanisms for managing reference data, implemented in the information system of the enterprise, which contributes to the formation of a unified database of NSD for the software components of the information system. This will allow for the correct perception of the transmitted and received data by the interacting components of the corporate information system and will provide reliable and high-quality management reports on the basis of which management decisions are made. In general, the study was based on methods of system analysis and synthesis, comparisons and analogies. The article presents the architecture of centralized and decentralized storage of NSD, their application depending on the geographically distributed structure of the enterprise and belonging to the enterprise category. The NSD management software module has been developed, where the formation of reference data on counterparties and nomenclature in the 1C program is implemented:Document flow" and subsequent automatic creation of agreed objects for the 1C program:Trade Management 11.3". To implement the NSD management mechanism, corresponding new metadata objects were developed. The emphasis is made on taking into account the features of integration between 1C configurations with complex forward and reverse information links based on the use of innovative technology of seamless integration between 1C configurations. A diagram of the technology for collecting, processing and issuing information for the transmission of NSD is presented.


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Author Biographies

Alfiya S. Golovkova, Belgorod University of cooperation, Economics and law

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies

Natalia V. Kolos, Belgorod University of cooperation, Economics and law

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies


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Abstract views: 89




How to Cite

Golovkova, A. S., & Kolos, N. V. (2023). Storage Architecture and Normalization of Normative Reference Data at the Stage of Creating a Single Digital Circuit at the Enterprise. Economics. Information Technologies, 50(1), 173-182.

