Object Identification Method in Robot Vision Systems


  • Alexey I. Titov Limited Liability Company "United Transport Company"
  • Nikolay I. Korsunov Belgorod National Research University




object identification, cue points, segmentation, classification, clustering


It is proposed a method object recognition that ensures the minimization of overheads, that has the rotation invariance since objects can be in a random position. To reduce the time and hardware overheads while ensuring object position invariance, it is proposed to use special cue points to define the contour. One could hypothesize that through the application of motion imaging and the availability of multiple views, recognition of certain objects could become easier. The line connecting two nearly points defines the axis of the autonomous Cartesian coordinate system, in which the extreme points are determined. The number of coordinates and the extreme points position in them seems to be the decisive rule for object identification. These architectures are general-purpose, so they can be used to create a number of modules for a bigger system (e.g., object recognition, key points, and object detection modules of a robot vision system). As mobile robots and generally self-driving machines like quad-copters, drones, and soon service robots, are used more and more, object detection systems are becoming more important.


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Author Biographies

Alexey I. Titov, Limited Liability Company "United Transport Company"

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Information Technology and Information Security Department, Limited Liability Company "United Transport Company", Belgorod, Russia

Nikolay I. Korsunov, Belgorod National Research University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematical and Software Support of Information Systems, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia



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Abstract views: 89




How to Cite

Titov, A. I., & Korsunov, N. I. (2022). Object Identification Method in Robot Vision Systems. Economics. Information Technologies, 49(4), 782-787. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0932-2022-49-4-782-787




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