On Adjusting the Goal-Setting of the Russian Industrial Strategy and Environmental Agenda in a Turbulent Economic Environment
the postulates of sustainable industrial development, the demand for ESG principles by Russian enterprises, the adjustment of business social responsibility criteria, the use of ESG banking to finance domestic companiesAbstract
The impetus for a scientific rethinking of industrial policy priorities is a radical change in external and internal economic realities that require informed decisions to preserve the main tasks of industrial development in recent years – achieving the principles of sustainability and the climate agenda – or adjusting them. The problem is the competent ranking of the tasks proclaimed earlier in order to assess the degree of their relevance in modern conditions, relevance, efficiency and feasibility. Refusal to implement some of them may result in an increase in the technological lag behind world industrial leaders, which over time will negatively affect the global competitiveness of Russian enterprises. It is important to analyze the internal readiness of enterprises to continue this course and the availability of real opportunities for its implementation. Due to the fact that the principles of sustainable development and the implementation of the climate agenda were themselves new guidelines for industrial strategy, and changes in the external environment occurred at an even later period, their scientific support is only in its infancy. Meanwhile, it was about the global revision of the applied technologies, the restructuring of the resource base, about new methods of networking based on the large-scale dissemination of digital technologies along the entire technological chain from design, equipment and production management to product marketing. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to identify the remaining relevant recently proclaimed priorities of industrial development, the rejection of programs that have become ineffective, the development of additional recommendations on the objectives of the technological development of domestic enterprises, that is, on the development of the country's industrial development strategy, taking into account macro- meso- and microparameters. The research methods were expert assessments of industrial development specialists, including the heads of a number of regions, heads of the largest industrial companies, the use of survey materials on a range of analyzed issues. The main result is the conclusion that at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and its leading economic players, the commitment to the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development, reduction of the carbon footprint, circular economy, while changing the pace of implementation and volume of projects, is maintained. An important role in this process is to be played by government incentives and the systematic development of infrastructure (digital, intellectual, information, norm-setting), which also need scientific study and justification. The climate agenda implemented in recent years has already introduced a number of new categories into scientific circulation, which are important to position in the landscape of scientific research to enrich economic theory.
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