Information Model of Non-Verbal Signals of Acoustic and Visual Communication Channels, Taking into Account the Individual Psychological Characteristics of the Profiled Personality


  • Sergey A. Aleynikov ITMO University
  • Olga O. Hoffman ITMO University
  • Oleg O. Basov ITMO University



digital profiling, nonverbal communication, acoustic channel, visual channel, polymodal infocommunication system


The transition of most communications to the virtual space, accelerated by the coronovirus pandemic and its consequences, as well as the increase in the stability of communication interaction through technical means, determined the transition to the digital space and personnel profiling. However, the analysis of non-verbal signals of interpersonal communication necessary for him turned out to be limited, even with sufficiently developed means of infocommunications. Under these conditions, increasing the effectiveness of digital profiling is facilitated by the development of intelligent methods for replenishing the non-verbal component of human behavior in the course of online communication with staff members, based on objective materials (data obtained through non-verbal communication channels and characterizing the current state of the interlocutors and (or) the results of modeling such interactions), and creating interpretable predictive models of such behavior. As part of the study, an information model of non-verbal signals of acoustic and visual communication channels has been developed, which makes it possible to present the process of digital profiling at the meta level - to describe the behavior and intentions of communicators. Its detailing at the micro and mesa levels will make it possible to carry out predictive modeling of the behavior of a profiled personality based on machine learning algorithms, including deep learning.


This research is financially supported by The Russian Science Foundation, Agreement № 22-21-00604.


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Author Biographies

Sergey A. Aleynikov, ITMO University

engineer, ITMO University,
St. Petersburg, Russia

Olga O. Hoffman, ITMO University

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Researcher, ITMO University, Research Center on Artificial Intelligence "Strong Artificial Intelligence in Industry",
St. Petersburg, Russia

Oleg O. Basov, ITMO University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Faculty of Digital Transformations, ITMO University,
St. Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Aleynikov, S. A., Hoffman, O. O., & Basov, O. O. (2022). Information Model of Non-Verbal Signals of Acoustic and Visual Communication Channels, Taking into Account the Individual Psychological Characteristics of the Profiled Personality. Economics. Information Technologies, 49(3), 630-640.

