
  • V.P. Volchkov Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
  • V.M. Asiryan National University of Science and Technology MISiS



imaging, compression, cosine transform, Hartley transform, Weyl-Heisenberg transform, good localization, optimal basis


This article proposes a new approach to raster image compression, based on the use of the two-dimensional
real discrete Weyl – Heisenberg transform (DWHT). This discrete transform is orthogonal and is based on the
optimal Weyl – Heisenberg signal basis, which has the best time-frequency localization. The indicated
properties are ensured by choosing the optimal forming function of the basis and the best ratio of its parameters.
In addition, to assess the potential possibilities of using the discrete Weyl – Heisenberg transform in
compression problems, the main criteria for compression efficiency were formulated and DWHT was
compared with other well-known orthogonal transforms – discrete cosine transform (DCT) and discrete
Hartley transform (DHT). It is experimentally shown that the proposed method based on discrete Weyl –
Heisenberg transform has much better compression characteristics. The paper also presents the results of
comparing three compression methods (DHT, DCT and DWHT) in the form of corresponding tables and
figures of the restored images.


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Author Biographies

V.P. Volchkov, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics,
8а Aviamotornaya St., 111024, Moscow, Russia

V.M. Asiryan, National University of Science and Technology MISiS

National University of Science and Technology MISiS,
4 Leninsky prospekt, 119049, Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 616




How to Cite

Volchkov, V., & Asiryan, V. (2020). IMAGE COMPRESSION USING DISCRETE WEYL – HEISENBERG TRANSFORM. Economics. Information Technologies, 47(2), 412-421.

