Using hyperthreading technology to increase the processing speed of ML algorithms


  • Vorobyev Alexander V. Kursk State University
  • Daniil I. Raspopin South-West State University



machine learning, ensemble algorithms, hyperthreading, single-threaded application


The paper analyzes the data processing speed of machine learning algorithms depending on available CPU computing resources and data set size. Tests were conducted on synthesized test suites of increasing dimensionality, from 100 observations and 100 predictors, to 2000 observations and 2000 predictors, using a modern ensemble algorithm. As a result of the research it is determined that to increase the training speed of an ML-algorithm a much larger increase in computational power is required, given that the only computational power used is that of the CPU. A numerical exemplary proportion valid for a specific task is provided. Hyperthreading technology as a tool for increasing CPU performance is considered. In the course of experiments it is determined that processing of machine learning algorithms in a single threaded application – Python language environment – is not a limitation for hyperthreading; on the contrary, using this technology can increase the processing speed of ML algorithms.


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Author Biographies

Vorobyev Alexander V. , Kursk State University

Postgraduate Cathedra of SISA, Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia

Daniil I. Raspopin, South-West State University

Student of the Department of Customs and Global Economy of South-West State University, Kursk, Russia


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How to Cite

Alexander V. , V., & Raspopin, D. I. (2022). Using hyperthreading technology to increase the processing speed of ML algorithms. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(4), 764-770.

