The subband properties of the sea surface image fragments


  • Viktor S. Golikov Autonomous University
  • Daria A. Chernomorets Belgorod National Research University



image of the sea surface, adjacent image areas, subband properties, informative subdomains spatial frequencies, informative subband components, measure of difference


In this paper, author proposes to evaluate the differences in the subband properties of the sea surface image areas by comparing the distribution of informative parts of the squared norm of the adjacent image areas as well as comparing the differences between adjacent areas and their informative subband components based on the values of the corresponding standard deviations and the correlation coefficients. The author gives ratios for calculating the informative spatial frequencies subdomains of the given images and the corresponding informative subband components, as well as the ratios that allow calculating the analyzed measures of the given matrices difference on the basis of the standard deviation and the correlation coefficient. The conducted computing experiments have shown that the values of the considered measures of difference do not change significantly when analyzing the given central and adjacent areas of various sizes. Using the example of histograms, author shows that the presence or absence of an inconspicuous object in the analyzed image areas changes the values distribution of the studied difference measures slightly.


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Author Biographies

Viktor S. Golikov, Autonomous University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Autonomous University, Carmen, Mexico

Daria A. Chernomorets, Belgorod National Research University

Assistant of the Department of Mathematical and Software Information Systems, Institute of Engineering and Digital Technologies, Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Golikov, V. S., & Chernomorets, D. A. (2022). The subband properties of the sea surface image fragments. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(4), 747-763.

