
  • A.I. Garianina North-Caucasus Federal University
  • N.I. Chervyakov North-Caucasus Federal University




genetic code, gene mapping, point mutations, modeling, overlapping genes


The paper gives brief analysis of the developed statistical models studying the properties of the genetic code. Authors generate the codes, called theoretical genetic codes having the same properties as trivial genetic code. The main idea of the analyzed mathematical models is to find the optimal code from theoretical genetic codes. Based on the following criterias of amino acids: hydrophilic properties, isoelectric properties, affinity to water and molecular mass authors compare the theoretical genetic codes to the trivial geneic code. They also used the extra criterion – transition or transvertion, meaning the nature of point mutation. The retrospect of the key elements of these approaches to modeling is given. The subject of modeling in the studied methods is gene mapping that play an important role in the study of differences in individual genomes. Prediction of the properties of theoretical codes and the creation of new approaches to their models will allow us to come closer to understanding the structure of the genetic code.


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Author Biographies

A.I. Garianina, North-Caucasus Federal University

North-Caucasus Federal University, 1 Pushkina St, Stavropol, 355017, Russia

N.I. Chervyakov, North-Caucasus Federal University

North-Caucasus Federal University, 1 Pushkina St, Stavropol, 355017, Russia


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Abstract views: 704




How to Cite

Garianina, A., & Chervyakov, N. (2020). A REVIEW OF MATHEMATIC MODELING METHODS OF GENETIC CODE PROPERTIES. Economics. Information Technologies, 47(2), 372-379. https://doi.org/10.18413/2687-0932-2020-47-2-372-379

