image processing, tuberculosis bacteria, microscopic, method Ziehl – Nielsen, Laplacian, LOG filter, high-frequency filtering, normalized color difference, NCDAbstract
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection remains a major public health issue of global morbidity and mortality. One of the widely used methods for the finding of mycobacterium tuberculosis is the Ziehl-Nielsen method of microscopy. In this paper a method for removing noise without producing image distortion for Ziehl-Neelsen stained images of sputum smear samples obtained using a light microscope is presented. The proposed approach is based on the convolution of the original image with the Laplacian of a Gaussian filter enhanced by high-frequency filtering. Used Laplacian of Gaussian filter was discretized as a 9x9 convolution kernel. If the original image is filtered with a simple Laplacian of Gaussian, the resulting output is rather noisy. Combining this result of filtration with the enhanced by high-frequency filtering will reduce the noise and will keep of mycobacterium tuberculosis for further analysis by automated medical diagnostic systems. In order to deal with automatic determination of filtering quality the normalized color difference was proposed. Such measure is evaluated in CIE Luv color spaces in order to appraise the filtration quality of a filtered picture at the human expert examination level.
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