Problems of scientific and technical information management, Its protection and data leakage


  • Evgeny P. Grabchak Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Evgeny L. Loginov Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Alexander A. Shkuta Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"



information, search, storage, protection, data leakage, information system


The problems of organizing storage, transmission, protection, as well as support for the search and reproduction of scientific and technical information, including the search for data leaks in the field of science and technology. The analysis of trends in the development of means, methods and rights of access to information resources of global networks is carried out, relevant scientific and technical areas are highlighted. The necessity of creating a digital platform focused on the control and management of dynamic information objects with a large intellectual and creative component and the main elements of such a platform are substantiated. The directions for the development of the digital platform are formulated, including technologies for creating systems that use the means of processing scientific and technical information.


The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 19-07-01066 "Creation of an artificial intelligence system as a component of a digital platform for monitoring the behavioral activity of large groups of people based on the use of methods for analyzing large semi-structured data, building thematic models with cognitive and multivariate semantic interpretation, exploratory search and collaborative filtering with convergent management").


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Author Biographies

Evgeny P. Grabchak, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation,
Moscow, Russia

Evgeny L. Loginov, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, twice winner of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, head of the expert-analytical service of the situational-analytical center of the Ministry of Energy of Russia,
Moscow, Russia

Alexander A. Shkuta, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of World Economy and International Business of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 149




How to Cite

Grabchak, E. P., Loginov, E. L., & Shkuta, A. A. (2021). Problems of scientific and technical information management, Its protection and data leakage. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(3), 543-551.

