Assessment of the effectiveness of tourism in the region, considering the involvement in the information space (on the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)


  • Fardiana R. Ketova Kabardino-Balkarian State University



efficiency, efficiency assessment, tourism, tourism services, tourism statistics, information society


The processes of informatization and digitalization of the socio-economic space are studied from various positions and include many aspects. In the field of providing tourism services, it should also be noted the importance of the introduction of new technologies, their application and impact. Despite the fact that the problems of tourism development are sufficiently well covered in the works of modern scientists, the issues of assessing the impact of transformation processes associated with the transition to an information society on the development indicators of various fields of activity, including tourism, remain poorly researched. This is the reason for the formulation of the goal of this work, which consists in assessing the mutual influence of the effectiveness of the implementation of tourist activities and the level of development of the information society on the territory of a region. A hypothesis has been put forward that the development of tourism is reflected at the level of development of the information society in the region. Verification of this assumption was carried out by econometric methods by studying the relationship between socio-economic indicators of tourism development and indicators of the development of the information society in the region. As a result of the study, an integral indicator of the effectiveness of activities for the provision of tourist services in the region was calculated using the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and a final assessment was formulated. The results obtained complement the conceptual framework for analyzing the effectiveness of activities in the provision of tourism services and tourism in general.


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Author Biography

Fardiana R. Ketova, Kabardino-Balkarian State University

senior lecturer of the Department of computer technologies and information security, Institute of computer science, electronics and robotics, Kabardino-Balkarian State University,
Nalchik, Russia


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Abstract views: 264




How to Cite

Ketova, F. R. (2021). Assessment of the effectiveness of tourism in the region, considering the involvement in the information space (on the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic). Economics. Information Technologies, 48(3), 465-474.

