Peculiarities of using stationary radar location stations to prevent emergency situations of terrorist character


  • YUliya YU. Goncharenko Sevastopol State University
  • Svetlana N. Devitsyna Sevastopol State University



critical information infrastructure, critical information infrastructure object, critical object, radar stations, radar targets, detection range, identification of radar targets


The analysis of the main technical parameters of pulse radars for detecting small and ultra-small targets in conditions of limited visibility and poor weather conditions is carried out. Their main technical parameters, planned for use in physical protection systems of significant objects of critical information infrastructure, are described. The advantages of using pulse radar stations for monitoring large objects of critical information infrastructure are shown. The aim of the work is to study the possibility of using Fourier images to describe the characteristics of radar targets in the security monitoring system of critical objects. In the proposed method, the main prototype for creating Fourier images of radar targets is a function approximating the delta function for single, point targets, and four variations of the comb function for distributed and extended targets. The use of these methods will reduce the identification time of radar targets and, accordingly, prevent terrorist emergencies that require a quick response to an invasion object in the protected area of a critical object.


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Author Biographies

YUliya YU. Goncharenko, Sevastopol State University

Doctor Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Security

Svetlana N. Devitsyna, Sevastopol State University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Security


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Abstract views: 265




How to Cite

Goncharenko, Y. Y., & Devitsyna, S. N. (2021). Peculiarities of using stationary radar location stations to prevent emergency situations of terrorist character. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(2), 405-412.

