Anti-crisis measures for the development of domestic tourism in Russia


  • Ekaterina D. Bareeva Petrozavodsk State University
  • Oksana N. Prokhorova Petrozavodsk State University



Tourism market, crisis of 2020, coronavirus, UN world tourism organization, directions of tourist flow, domestic tourism, tourist flow, recovery of the tourism industry, strategy for the development of domestic tourism, grants, cashback program


According to forecasts of the world tourism organization, the loss of the world tourism market in 2020 were amount to 70 %. At the same time, the current situation has given an incentive to modify the tourism industry. One of the tasks of the Russian economy is to support the tourism market by creating new directions for the development of the industry. The hypothesis of this work: the 2020 pandemic caused the development of domestic tourism not only in the central regions of our country, but also to remote destinations of tourist trips, such as: Karelia, Kamchatka, Buryatia, Khakassia, Altai, etc. The purpose of this article is to formulate the main directions of support and development of the domestic tourism market of the Russian Federation, contributing to the recovery of the tourism industry soon, based on the systematization of anti-crisis measures in the tourism industry. The paper considered the problems associated with the implementation of these tasks. The research methods were comparison, modeling, and observation. A review of anti-crisis measures and the state of the tourism market in the Russian Federation shows that the domestic market was ready for changes. The article suggests the key directions for maintaining and developing domestic tourism in Russia soon. The state provides significant one-time compensation and other measures to support the industry during the crisis. Also, the strategy of tourism development in Russia is mainly aimed at the domestic market, so its implementation will largely contribute to the recovery of the industry. It is worth noting that the government of the Russian Federation at this stage should pay attention to the factors constraining the pace of market recovery and take the necessary measures. Despite the implemented measures, not all regions received support, and the cost of vouchers remains at a high level. The next step in the authors ' research will be to assess the effectiveness of financial mechanisms for the development of domestic tourism in the regions on the example of the Republic of Karelia.


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina D. Bareeva, Petrozavodsk State University

Master's degree 2nd year

Oksana N. Prokhorova, Petrozavodsk State University

Ph. D. in Economics, Docent, Professor of the Department of economic theory and management, Institute of Economics and law


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Abstract views: 561




How to Cite

Bareeva, E. D., & Prokhorova, O. N. (2021). Anti-crisis measures for the development of domestic tourism in Russia. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(2), 252-263.

